Programs & Negotiations

Two of the most important functions of NASCOE are the Programs and Negotiations processes. These processes provide opportunities for NASCOE to present member’s concerns and program issues to FSA program staff and management.  Programs and Negotiations activities allow the concerns of membership to be presented in an effective manner and has produced many successful outcomes.

Be sure to clearly state the issue with background and facts, your position on the issue, recommendations for resolution, and any handbook/Notice references.

Programs & Negotiations Submission Form

NASCOE Programs Flyer
NASCOE Member Benefit Fact Sheet
NASCOE's Negotiations and Programs Committee

Negotiations Responses

2024 NASCOE Negotiation Items
2023 NASCOE Negotiation Items
2022 NASCOE Negotiation Items
2021 NASCOE Negotiation Items
2020 NASCOE Negotiation Items
2019 NASCOE Negotiation Items


If you have any questions, please contact your Area Programs and Negotiations chairperson:

Midwest AreaDebbie Leeper, MO
Northeast AreaAudrey Hayward, ME
Northwest AreaMissy Merrill, MT
Southeast AreaTasha Bagley, GA
Southwest AreaTracy Wilson, OK


Committee Chair

Christa Kraatz


Sarah Houin